Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland

Verträge & Vereinbarungen

Bezeichnung Nummer
Memorandum of Understanding for a Joint Venture Research Collaboration Programme between the Federal Minister for Science and Research of Austria and the Director of the British Council in Vienna.  


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Name, Vorname Titel
Blunkett David Minister für Bildung und Arbeit
Dr. Phil Smith Christopher Robert Minister für Kultur, Medien und Sport
Jowell Tessa Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport
Morris Estelle Secretary of State for Education and Skills
Caborn Richard Minister of State (and Minister for Sport)
Miliband David Minister of State for School Standards
Blackstone Tessa Minister of State (and Minister for the Arts)
Clarke Charles Secretary of State for Education and Skills
Hodge Margaret Minister of State for Lifelong Learning and Higher Education
Kelly Ruth Minister for Education and Skills
Knight Jim Minister of State for Schools and Learners
Johnson Alan Minister of Education and Skills
RAMMELL Bill Minister of Lifilong Learning, Further and Higher Education
Wicks Malcolm Minister for Science and Innovation
BALLS Ed Secretary of State for Children, Schools, Families
PURNELL Hon James Culture, Media and Sports
PAERSON Ian Minister of Science and Innovation
HODGE Margaret Minister for Culture, Creative Industries and Tourism
BURNHAM Andy Minister for Culture, Media & Sports
DENHAM John Minister for Inovation, Universities & Skills
BRADSHAW Ben Minister for Culture, Media & Sports
LAMMY David Minister for Higher Education and Intellectual Property
HUNT Hon Jeremy Minister for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sports
GOVE Hon Michael Minister for Education
MILLER Maria Minister for Culture, Media and Sport & Women and Equalities
WILLETTS David Minister of States for Universities and Science
VAIZEY Ed Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries
JAVID Sajid Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills
MORGAN Nicky Secretary of State for Edcuation, Minister for Women and Equalities
CLARK Greg Minister of State for Universities and Science
BOLES Nick Minister of State for Skills and Equalities
CABLE Vince Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills
JOHNSON Jo Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation
GIBBS Nick Minister of State for Schools
BRADLEY Karen Minister of Culture, Media and Sport
GREENING Justine Secretary of State for Education and Minister Women and Equalities
GYIMAH Sam Minister for Higher Education
HINDS Damian Secretary of State for Education
GIBB Nick Minister of State for School Standards
SKIDMORE Chris Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation
WILLIAMSON Gavin Secretary of State for Education
DONELAN Michelle Minister of State for Universities
ZAHAWI Nadhim Secretary of State for Education
CLEVERLY James Secretary of State for Education
MALTHOUSE Kit Secretary of State for Education
KEEGAN Gillian Secretary of State for Education
FREEMAN George Minister of State for Science, Research and Innovation
GRIFFITH Andrew Minister of State for Science, Research and Innovation


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