Ministerinnen und Minister

Name, Vorname Titel Land
ASHOUR, Mohamed Ayman Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Ägypten
LATIF, Mohamed Abdel Minister of Education and Technical Education Ägypten
GONXHJA, Blendi Minister of Economy, Culture and Innovation Albanien
MANASTIRLIU, Ogerta Minister of Education and Sports Albanien
ANDREASYAN, Zhanna Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Armenien
AMRULLAYEV, Emin Minister of Education Aserbaidschan
IVANETS, Andrei Minister of Education Belarus
BERTIEAUX, Françoise Ministerin für Hochschulbildung Belgien
DÉSIR, Caroline Ministerin für Bildung Belgien
FRANSSEN, Jérôme Minister für Unterricht, Ausbildung und Beschäftigung Belgien
WEYKMANS, Isabelle Ministerin für Kultur und Sport Belgien
RAI, Jai Bir Minister of Education Bhutan
BOŠNJAK, Dubravka Minister of Civil Affairs Bosnien und Herzegowina
BUDIMIR, (Rep of Srpska), Željko Minister of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society Bosnien und Herzegowina
STOJIČIĆ, Željka Minister of Education and Culture Bosnien und Herzegowina
SANTANA, Camilo Minister of Education Brasilien
SANTOS, Luciana Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Brasilien
VALCHEV, Krasimir Minister of Education and Science Bulgarien
JINPENG, Huai Minister of Education China
YIN, Hejun Minister of Science and Technology China
EGELUND, Christina Minister of Higher Education and Science Dänemark
TESFAYE, Mattias Minister of Children and Education Dänemark
ÖZDEMIR, Cem Bundesminister für Bildung und Forschung Deutschland
KALLAS, Kristina Minister of Education and Research Estland
ADLERCREUTZ, Anders Minister of Education Finnland
TALVITIE, Mari-Leena Minister of Science and Culture Finnland
BAPTISTE, Philippe Minister für Hochschulbildung und Forschung Frankreich
BORNE, Elisabeth Ministerin für nationale Bildung, Hochschulbildung und Forschung Frankreich
AMILAKHVARI, Giorgi Minister of Education and Science Georgien
PIERRAKAKIS, Kyriakos Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs Griechenland
GIRACCA, Anabella Minister of Education Guatemala
Dr. SHARMA, Mahesh Minister of State of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Indien
MAKARIM, Nadiem Anwar Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Indonesien
LAWLESS, James Minister of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Irland
McENTEE, Helen Minister of Education and Youth Irland
DADASON, Ásmundur Einar Minister of Education and Children Island
SIGURBJÖRNSDÓTTIR, Áslaug Arna Minister of Science, Industry and Innovation Island
AKUNIS, Ofir Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology Israel
KISCH, Yoav Minister of Education Israel
BERNINI, Anna Maria Minister of University and Research Italien
VALDITARA, Giuseppe Minister of Education Italien
MORIYAMA, Masahito Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan
BEKTAEVICH, Beisembayev Gani Minister of Education Kasachstan
NURBEK, Sayasat Minister of Science and Higher Education Kasachstan
BEYSHENALIEV, Almazbek Minister of Education and Science Kirgisistan
LEE, Jong Ho Minister of Science and ICT Korea
NAGAVCI, Arbërie Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation Kosovo
FUCHS, Radovan Minister für Wissenschaft und Bildung Kroatien
KORZINEK, Nina Obuljen Minister for Culture Kroatien
GARCIA, Walter Baluja Minister of Higher Education Kuba
ČAKŠA, Anda Minister of Education and Science Lettland
HASLER, Dominique Ministerin für Inneres, Bildung und Umwelt Liechtenstein
MORKŪNAITĖ-MIKULĖNIENĖ, Radvilė Acting Minister of Education, Science and Sports Litauen
MEISCH, Claude Minister of Education, Children and Youth - Luxemburg Luxemburg
OBERTIN, Stéphanie Minister of Research and Higher Education Luxemburg
GRIMA, Clifton Minister of Education and Sport Malta
AMAYA, Leticia Ramírez Minister of Public Education Mexiko
PERCIUN, Dan Minister of Education and Research Moldau
LUVSANTSEREN, Enkh-Amgalan Minister of Education and Science Mongolei
JAKŠIĆ STOJANOVIĆ, Anđela Ministerin für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Innovationen Montenegro
BRUINS, Eppo Minister of Education, Culture and Science Niederlande
JANEVSKA, Vesna Minister of Education and Science Nordmazedonien
NORDTUN, Kari Nessa Minister of Education Norwegen
BALOCH, Agha Hassan Federal Minister of Science and Technology Pakistan
HUSSAIN, Rana Tanveer Federal Minister of Education and Professional Training Pakistan
Prof. Dr. UR-RAHMAN, Atta Vorsitzender der Ausbildungs-Kommission mit dem Status eines Bundesministers Pakistan
KULASEK, Marcin Minister für Wissenschaft und Hochschulwesen Polen
NOWACKA, Barbara Minister of Education Polen
ALEXANDRE, Fernando Minister of Education, Science and Innovation Portugal
BOGDAN-GRUIA, Ivan Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitalization Rumänien
DECA, Ligia Minister of National Education Rumänien
Ligia , Education, DECA Minister of Education Rumänien
FALKOV, Valery Minister of Science and Higher Education Russische Föderation
KRAVTSOV, Sergey Minister of Education Russische Föderation
Al-BENYAN, Yousef Minister of Education Saudi Arabien
EDHOLM, Lotta Minister of Schools Schweden
PEHRSON, Johan Minister of Education Schweden HIRAYAMA, Martina Staatssekretärin für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation Schweiz
PARMELIN, Guy Bundesrat für Wirtschaft, Bildung und Forschung Schweiz
BEGOVIC, Jelena Minister of Science, Technological Development and Innovation Serbien
ĐUKIĆ-DEJANOVIĆ, Slavica Ministerin für Bildung Serbien
DRUCKER, Tomáš Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport Slowakei
LOGAJ, Vinko Minister für Bildung und Erziehung Slowenien
PAPIČ, Igor Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Slowenien
ALEGRÍA CONTINENTE, Pilar Ministerin für Bildung und Berufsausbildung Spanien
MORANT RIPOLL, Diana Ministerin für Wissenschaft und Innovation Spanien
CHENG, Ying-Yao Minister of Education Taiwan (Chinesisches Taipei)
TSUNG-TSONG, Wu Minister of Science and Technology Taiwan (Chinesisches Taipei)
LAOTHAMATAS, Anek Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Thailand
THIENTHONG, Treenuch Minister of Education Thailand
BEK, Mikuláš Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Tschechische Republik
ŽENÍŠEK, Marek Minister of Science, Research and Innovation Tschechische Republik
BOUKTHIR, Moncef Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Tunesien
NSIBI, Nasreddine Minister of Employment and Vocational Training Tunesien
SELLAOUTI, Fethi Minister of Education Tunesien
VARANK, Mustafa Minister für Industrie und Technologie Türkei
TOYLYYEV, Sapardurdy Minister of Education, Health, Science, Religious Affairs and Tourism Turkmenistan
LISOVYI, Oksen Minister of Education and Science Ukraine
ABDURAKHMONOV, Ibrokhim Yu. Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Usbekistan
UMAROVA, Khilola Uktamovna Minister of Preschool and School Education Usbekistan
KYLE, Peter Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland
PHILLIPSON, Bridget Secretary of State for Education Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland
SON, Nguyen Kim Minister of Education and Training Vietnam
THANH DAT, Huynh Minister of Science and Technology Vietnam
DAMIANOU, Nicodemos Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy Zypern
MICHAELIDOU, Athena Minister of Education, Sport and Youth Office Zypern